Pedagogical Attitudes And Practices Associated With The Mental Health Of Secondary School Youth: Teacher Self-Diagnosis And Student Perception

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Eduin Alexander Prada Rodríguez
Prada-Rodríguez E.A


The schooling educational process is mediated by teachers' pedagogical practices, which influence both academic and personal development, permeating the mental health of the students, which is why the research purpose is to describe the attitudes and pedagogical practices associated with the mental health of young secondary school students. The sample consisted of 128 teachers and 305 students from sixth to eleventh grades in the municipality of Floridablanca (Santander-Colombia). The CAMI test and the Questionnaire of practices associated with juvenile mental health were applied to the teachers; and the Scale of Evaluation of Pedagogical Practices for Schooled Adolescents was applied to the students. Attitudes were characterized and the practices implemented by teachers were characterized through self-diagnosis, and data were obtained regarding student perceptions on their influence on mental health, classifying them as generating well-being, generating discomfort and their influence on mood, negative changes in behavior, self-esteem, generating negative thoughts, generating fatigue or tiredness and those valued as indifferent; thus, it was possible to establish relevant and non-relevant practices for mental health.   It is reaffirmed that specific pedagogical attitudes and practices act directly in the processes of psychological well-being or discomfort of students, achieving knowledge that contribute to classroom management and to the planning and design of school orientation strategies through the recognition of factors associated with classroom practices that influence the school process of students


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How to Cite
Eduin Alexander Prada Rodríguez, & Prada-Rodríguez E.A. (2024). Pedagogical Attitudes And Practices Associated With The Mental Health Of Secondary School Youth: Teacher Self-Diagnosis And Student Perception. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 9811–9821.
Author Biographies

Eduin Alexander Prada Rodríguez

PhD in Psychology, orientation Applied Cognitive Neuroscience, Post-Doctor in scientific research, socio-training and Human Development.Research Professor; Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo Udi (Bucaramanga-Colombia).

Prada-Rodríguez E.A

PhD in Psychology, orientation Applied Cognitive Neuroscience, Post-Doctor in scientific research, socio-training and Human Development.Research Professor; Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo Udi (Bucaramanga-Colombia).

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