Orang Asli Knowledge – The Wisdom Inheritance of Indigenous Peoples

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Jamilah Shaari
Nur Baiti Inayah Zulkifli
Rafiaah Abu
Che Wan Ida Rahimah Che Wan Ibrahim
Nurah Abdul Razab
Abdul Mutalib Embong


The Orang Asli, an indigenous minority in Malaysia, have a rich historical presence on this land dating back millennia. They possess a unique knowledge legacy encompassing understandings, skills, and philosophies deeply intertwined with their natural surroundings. This study aims to explore the types of Orang Asli knowledge that are deemed essential for preservation by their younger generation. Through semi-structured interviews with nine Orang Asli individuals from three different tribes, thematic analysis revealed key themes such as the significance of forest knowledge, medicinal practices, farming techniques, survival skills, taboos, and respect for elders. The findings underscore the enduring relevance of Orang Asli knowledge despite modernization pressures. This knowledge helps the younger generation understand their roots and embrace their unique identity. The study highlights that Orang Asli knowledge provides valuable insights into nature, spirituality, and social structures, which are crucial for maintaining their cultural legacy.


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How to Cite
Jamilah Shaari, Nur Baiti Inayah Zulkifli, Rafiaah Abu, Che Wan Ida Rahimah Che Wan Ibrahim, Nurah Abdul Razab, & Abdul Mutalib Embong. (2024). Orang Asli Knowledge – The Wisdom Inheritance of Indigenous Peoples. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 11952–11966. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.5051
Author Biographies

Jamilah Shaari

Universiti Sains Malaysia 

Nur Baiti Inayah Zulkifli

Universiti Sains Malaysia 

Rafiaah Abu

Universiti Teknologi Mara

Che Wan Ida Rahimah Che Wan Ibrahim

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Nurah Abdul Razab

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Abdul Mutalib Embong

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu