Navigating Professional Paths: Unveiling Employability Dynamics In Applied English Language Studies Graduates

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Airuddin bin Ahmad
Norreha binti Othman
Zaharah binti Zainal Abidin


This study examines graduates of Applied English Language Studies' immediate employability, focusing on the interplay between academic and non-academic elements. The research emphasises the importance of academic prowess by demonstrating the significant impact of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) on immediate employment through the use of Multinomial Logistic Regression. The Take-off Value (TOV), on the other hand, shows a positive but statistically insignificant correlation, indicating a complex influence of non-academic characteristics. The importance of the entire model highlights how both factors work together to affect employment results. The study promotes sophisticated instructional strategies that balance academic rigour with the development of useful skills. It is advised to use longitudinal tracking to assess the long-term effects of both academic and non-academic characteristics. These observations serve educators and policymakers, allowing for well-informed measures to maximise graduates' employment in Applied English Language Studies.


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How to Cite
Airuddin bin Ahmad, Norreha binti Othman, & Zaharah binti Zainal Abidin. (2024). Navigating Professional Paths: Unveiling Employability Dynamics In Applied English Language Studies Graduates. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 74–79.
Author Biographies

Airuddin bin Ahmad

Faculty of Computing and Multimedia Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia Malaysia 

Norreha binti Othman

Faculty of Business and Accountancy Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia Malaysia   

Zaharah binti Zainal Abidin

Faculty of Business and Accountancy Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia Malaysia