The Backlog Of Cases In The Lower Judiciary In India: Causes, Consequences And Remedies

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Amit Pandey
Dr.Deependra Nath Pathak


This article examines the severe backlog of over 3.1 crore cases in India's lower judiciary, highlighting its detrimental impact on socio-economic development and the fundamental right to a speedy trial. The accumulation of cases is attributed to increased litigation, judicial staff shortages, inadequate infrastructure, and antiquated legal procedures. The delays in case resolution impose significant economic and social burdens on individuals and society at large. To address these challenges, the article proposes judicial reforms, including infrastructure enhancement, technological adoption, legal procedure simplification, and the promotion of alternative dispute resolution methods. It underscores the necessity of collaborative efforts among government bodies, the judiciary, and civil society to improve the judiciary's efficiency and credibility, ensuring the timely administration of justice.


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How to Cite
Amit Pandey, & Dr.Deependra Nath Pathak. (2024). The Backlog Of Cases In The Lower Judiciary In India: Causes, Consequences And Remedies. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 347–350.
Author Biographies

Amit Pandey

Research Scholar, Maharishi University of Information Technology, Lucknow (U.P)

Dr.Deependra Nath Pathak

Assistant Professor ,Maharishi Law School, Maharishi University of Information Technology, Noida (NCR)

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