Design and Analysis of Radiant Cooling System

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Sumit Singh Rawat
Ravi Choudhary
Md. Raja
Saurav Yadav
Taranpreet Kaur


Radiant cooling slabs are an innovative system used in buildings for cooling purposes. Similar to radiant heating, which uses heated surfaces to warm spaces, radiant cooling involves using chilled surfaces to remove heat from a room.

Temperature is one of the important loads for designing slab track. The characteristic of slab track temperature varies greatly with different regional climates. In this work, 4 different grade of slab track model was built with the radiant cooling system under outdoor conditions the statistical characteristic of temperature gradient in slab and with and without radiant cooling system is tested.

Slab with grade M20, M25, M30 and M40 are constructed and for cooling, the copper pips of dia. 8mm and 5mm are embedded in slab at the bottom part of the slab.

By analysing the data is found that thermal conductivity of the concrete increase with the grade. Therefore, the radiant cooling system will work more efficiently in lower grade like M20 and M25.


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How to Cite
Sumit Singh Rawat, Ravi Choudhary, Md. Raja, Saurav Yadav, & Taranpreet Kaur. (2024). Design and Analysis of Radiant Cooling System. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 596–607.
Author Biographies

Sumit Singh Rawat

student Of the Civil Engineering Branch at Greater Noida Institute of Technology, Greater Noida.

Ravi Choudhary

student Of the Civil Engineering Branch at Greater Noida Institute of Technology, Greater Noida.

Md. Raja

student Of the Civil Engineering Branch at Greater Noida Institute of Technology, Greater Noida.

Saurav Yadav

Asst. Professor, Department of The Civil Engineering, Greater Noida Institute of Technology, Greater Noida.

Taranpreet Kaur

Asst. Professor, Department of The Civil Engineering, Greater Noida Institute of Technology, Greater Noida