The Multifaceted Role Of Imagination With Reference By C. S. Lewis

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Aafrina. B
Dr. U.S. Akshara Govind


Imagination is a unique talent that allows individuals to create extraordinary things. There are various types of imagination, such as effective imagination, intellectual imagination, imaginative fantasy, and strategic imagination. Imagination is essential for creating art, literature, and other creative works. Many famous authors, such as Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, and Daniel Defoe, have used their imagination to create timeless classics, which are beloved by readers, especially children. Children's literature writers often use creativity to captivate young readers. C.S. Lewis, for instance, demonstrated immense creativity in "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe," where he explored various themes with vivid imagination. In my research, I am focusing on Lewis's multifaceted use of imagination in his work and how he brings each theme to life.


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How to Cite
Aafrina. B, & Dr. U.S. Akshara Govind. (2024). The Multifaceted Role Of Imagination With Reference By C. S. Lewis. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 1705–1709.
Author Biographies

Aafrina. B

Research Scholar, Satyabhama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai

Dr. U.S. Akshara Govind

Assistant Professor, Department of English, Faculty of Science and Humanities, Satyabhama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai