The Stories of Abuse and Stress of Sexual Harassments faced by women in India; A Critical Study based on the novel ‘Chup: Breaking The Silence About India's Women’

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Sri Vaishnavi T
Dr. U.S. Akshara Govind


Women’s responses to childhood and adulthood sexual violence lead them to have severe and chronic psychological symptoms. Harassments like ‘eve-teasing’, body shaming and so on leave a question of whether women are safe or not in this generation. Many people speak highly about gender inequality which is considered to be the main root for all kinds of problems against women, but in the novel ‘Chup: Breaking The Silence About India’s Women’ by Deepa Narayan pointed out how a woman opens up about her problem when her families trained her to behave that woman doesn’t born with bodies. Deepa Narayan’s ‘Chup: Breaking the Silence about India’s Women’ collects 600 detailed interviews of Indian women both literate and illiterate to find whether the nation is safe for women or not. This paper points out how Indian families raised their daughters to forget they aren’t born with their bodies and the trauma based on their experience.


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How to Cite
Sri Vaishnavi T, & Dr. U.S. Akshara Govind. (2024). The Stories of Abuse and Stress of Sexual Harassments faced by women in India; A Critical Study based on the novel ‘Chup: Breaking The Silence About India’s Women’. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 1734–1736.
Author Biographies

Sri Vaishnavi T

Research Scholar, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai

Dr. U.S. Akshara Govind

Assistant Professor of English, Faculty of Science and Humanities, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai