On The Issues Of Phraseological Valency

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Iskandarova Sharifa Madalievna
Ganieva Shodiya Azizovna


The article proposes that phraseological units build up a syntagmatic relation like other linguistic units, and the possibility of building up such a relationship is valency. The introduction of the concept of valency into linguistics, the scholars who conducted research in this regard, the distinctive features of phraseological valency, the main differences from lexical valency and grammatical valency are revealed.


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How to Cite
Iskandarova Sharifa Madalievna, & Ganieva Shodiya Azizovna. (2024). On The Issues Of Phraseological Valency. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 2142–2145. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i6.5668
Author Biographies

Iskandarova Sharifa Madalievna

Professor of Fergana State University, DSc of philology

Ganieva Shodiya Azizovna

Associate professor of Fergana State University, DSc of philology,