Evaluating the Environmental Impact of a Home Appliances: A Life Cycle Assessment with a New Green Product Design Framework

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Mohd Tayyab
Ranganath M Singari
Peer M Sathikh


The objective of this research is to verify the proposed innovative green product design (GPD) framework by conducting a case study that compares and contrasts the environmental impacts of two juicers manufactured by different companies but possessing identical power ratings and capacities. In accordance with the ISO 14044 standard, the research examines the complete life cycle of the household appliance by utilizing life cycle inventory data acquired from a prior publication (Shaukat et al., 2021). The validity of the proposed GPD framework is established through a comparison of its outcomes with those of a prior study that also utilized the life cycle assessment method (Shaukat et al., 2021). A life-cycle analysis reveals that the environmental impacts of the two juicers are notably dissimilar. The first juicer's energy consumption and environmental impact are lower in comparison to the second juicer. Furthermore, the proposed GPD framework's performance is comparable to the method described in the cited article. This study introduces a novel GPD framework for assessing the environmental sustainability of other products and enhances knowledge about the environmental impact of home appliances.


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How to Cite
Mohd Tayyab, Ranganath M Singari, & Peer M Sathikh. (2024). Evaluating the Environmental Impact of a Home Appliances: A Life Cycle Assessment with a New Green Product Design Framework. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 13135–13144. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.5674
Author Biographies

Mohd Tayyab

epartment of Design, Delhi Technological University, India

Ranganath M Singari

epartment of Design, Delhi Technological University, India.

Peer M Sathikh

School of Art, Design & Media, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.