The King Of South East Asia – How Shopee Dominate The Malaysian Market By Influencing The Hedonistic Value In Its Marketing And Technical Content

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mahjabin Yusof
norliza Ramli


 After the lockdown imposed due to Covid-19 in Malaysia ended, Malaysians continues to rely on e-commerce platforms for shopping and product purchase, namely Shopee. This study focuses on whether Shopee has what it takes to remain the preferred e-commerce choice for Malaysian online shoppers, thus fulfilling the hedonistic value of Malaysian customers via their marketing and technical contents. The variables for technical content are information quality, system quality and service quality. Website design, e-WoM (electronic word of mouth) and advertising are the variable for the marketing content. Respondents were selected via convenience sampling which makes up 333 online shoppers from all over Malaysia. The data analysis using Pearson Correlations and Multiple Regression analyses showed that there are positive relationships between hedonistic value with the technical and marketing content of Shopee. E-commerce platform providers must improve on the technical and marketing contents in order to increase the traffic to their sites and ultimately providing customers with hedonistic value during their shopping experience.


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How to Cite
mahjabin Yusof, & norliza Ramli. (2024). The King Of South East Asia – How Shopee Dominate The Malaysian Market By Influencing The Hedonistic Value In Its Marketing And Technical Content. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 3151–3167.
Author Biographies

mahjabin Yusof

Department of Marketing, Kolej Profesional MARA Seri Iskandar, 32610 Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia

norliza Ramli

Department of Marketing, Kolej Profesional MARA Seri Iskandar, 32610 Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia