Level Of Depression,Anxiety And Stress Of Orphan And Non-Orphan – A Comparitive Study

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Dr. H. Sai Geetha
Ms. C. Shanthi


Adolescents are the energy of today and the bright hope of the future. Adolescence is a period of life with specific health and developmental needs and rights. It is also a time to develop knowledge and skills, learn to manage emotions and relationships, and acquire attributes and abilities that will be important for enjoying the adolescent years and assuming adult roles. Depression is a common mental health problem that causes adolescent to experience low mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. Symptoms may vary among people but generally encompass a feeling of sadness or hopelessness.


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How to Cite
Dr. H. Sai Geetha, & Ms. C. Shanthi. (2024). Level Of Depression,Anxiety And Stress Of Orphan And Non-Orphan – A Comparitive Study. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 3220–3222. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i6.6048
Author Biographies

Dr. H. Sai Geetha

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Ambedkar arts college, Tamilnadu India.

Ms. C. Shanthi

Assistant professor, Department of Psychology, Sri Kanyaka Parameswari Arts & Science college for Women, Tamilnadu,  India