Rural Tourism And Economic Development Of Assam
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The development of a strong platform around the concept of Rural Tourism is definitely useful for a state like Assam, where about 70% of the population resides in villages. Moreover, Assam is a conglomeration of various ethnic tribes and groups each having a distinct language, culture, festivals, songs, and dances. The rural Assam has a great potential to attract tourists who are in search of authentic natural and cultural resources. But unfortunately this potential has not been utilized properly. Though the Assam government adopts some schemes they can only give an average result. This is the result of some difficulties lies in Assam. The present study is an attempt to highlight the potentialities of rural tourism as a path to the socio-economic development of Assam and various challenges faced by the state in this regard on the basis of secondary sources of data. Besides, the paper suggests ways for improvement of the tourism industry as a perspective tool for the socio-economic development of Assam.