Migrating From 5g To 6g Technologies: A Paradigm Shift With Profound Concomitant Changes

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Dr. L. Srinivas Reddy
Prof. A. Suryanarayana


The migration from 5G to 6G technologies represents a paradigm shift that will profoundly impact various aspects of society, industries, and daily life. This transition will introduce path breaking changes that go beyond incremental improvements in speed and capacity, driving revolutionary advancements in connectivity, applications, and user experiences. This will bring several and varied changes that extend beyond mere technological enhancements. It will revolutionize connectivity, integrate physical and digital worlds, enable advanced applications and services, enhance security and privacy, promote sustainability, and drive economic and industrial transformation. These changes will require coordinated efforts from governments, industries, academia, and other stakeholders to realize the full potential of 6G and create a connected, intelligent, and sustainable future. This article attempts to discuss the economic and industrial transformative changes that happen in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Innovation, Internet of Everything, and evolving human skill sets through 6G.


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How to Cite
Dr. L. Srinivas Reddy, & Prof. A. Suryanarayana. (2024). Migrating From 5g To 6g Technologies: A Paradigm Shift With Profound Concomitant Changes. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 13955–13962. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.6165
Author Biographies

Dr. L. Srinivas Reddy

Principal, Aristotle PG College, Moinabad, Hyderabad, INDIA. Mobile: +91-9640667207


Prof. A. Suryanarayana

Former Dean, Faculty of Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad, INDIA. Mobile: +919848563756