Real And Reactive Power Flow Control Between The Utility Grid And MG System With VSC
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This paper proposes a novel control method for the flow of power between utility and micro grid by controlling real and reactive power flow through back to back converter .The propose control strategy run in two different cases , in case 1 - real and reactive power are shared between the load and the micro grid through back to back converter. Case 2 , the required load demand by the utility is first taken until the DG reaches its maximum limit .the balanced required power to the utility is only taken by the micro grid .
It is also shown the voltage or frequency fluctuation in the load side has no impact on the voltage or Power fluctuation. Proper relay coordination is also proposed during fault condition for seamless operation. The impedance and motor type load are considered for verifying system stability. The DC voltage fluctuation and their impact is also investigated. The proposed control arrangement has been validated for various operating condition by simulating in MATLAB. The reactive power requirement of the load is validated and supplied by connecting capacitor Bank at the utility. the effect of load demand has also been investigated through the two DGS connected in the micro grid system.