“Development And Evaluation Of Once Daily Sustained Release Matrix Tablet Of Propranolol Using Natural Polymers”

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Dr. Amit Panaskar
Dr. Bhagyashri Panaskar
Dr. Nagnath Kadam
Mr. Shingade Dinesh
Mrs. Shwetnisha V. Mande


The main objective of the present study was to “Development and Evaluation of Once Daily Sustained Release Matrix Tablet of Propranolol Using Natural Polymers” and to study the effect of particle size & concentration of polymer on the drug release by comparing in-vitro dissolution profile of a sustained release tablet.  Sustained release Matrix tablet was prepared by direct compression technique by using Olibanum Gum, Olibanum Gum Resin, HPMC K4M as polymer. As the concentration of polymers increases, the release of the drug from the tablet also gets decreased but the difference was found to be insignificant. Comparison of in-vitro dissolution profile of batch F3 and F6 showed that there was significant difference in drug release as compared to relative formulation F7, F10 and F13 respectively. All Formulations was having good flow properties. It was concluded that, the release of the drug from SR tablet was independent on Olibanum Gum,  Olibanum Gum Resin, HPMC K4M .


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How to Cite
Dr. Amit Panaskar, Dr. Bhagyashri Panaskar, Dr. Nagnath Kadam, Mr. Shingade Dinesh, & Mrs. Shwetnisha V. Mande. (2024). “Development And Evaluation Of Once Daily Sustained Release Matrix Tablet Of Propranolol Using Natural Polymers”. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(3), 2742–2761. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i3.8091
Author Biographies

Dr. Amit Panaskar

Padmini College of Pharmacy, Dighanchi, India

Dr. Bhagyashri Panaskar

Padmini College of Pharmacy, Dighanchi, India

Dr. Nagnath Kadam

Shriganesh Ramchandra Katruwar College of Pharmacy, Manwath, India

Mr. Shingade Dinesh

 Padmini College of Pharmacy, Dighanchi, India


Mrs. Shwetnisha V. Mande

Shriganesh Ramchandra Katruwar College of Pharmacy, Manwath, India