Role Of Principal In Facilitating Inclusion Of Children With Special Needs In Primary School Setting In Delhi (India)
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All learners have a right to education, regardless of their individual characteristics or difficulties. The Right of Children to free and Compulsory Act 2009(RTE Act) was enacted to universalize elementary education for children irrespective of their caste, class, gender, religious and other socio-cultural and economic identities. It intends to promote and provide discrimination free schools and empowers the community and local bodies for monitoring, addressing, preventing and remedying discrimination in school. Inclusive education arose from these convictions that education is a basic human right and it is a foundation for any society.
In a school, principal plays a key role and is the single most influential person in shaping a school's climate, culture, positive teacher attitude towards students and school practices (Washington III, 2006; DiPaola &Walther-Thomas, 2003; Praisner, 2000). Based on this basis, the principal's attitude is vital in reshaping of the school.
This study was undertaken to investigate the role principal in implementing inclusion in the school. It examined the attitude of principal in inclusion of Children with disabilities in school. The research was conducted by a survey that was developed by Praisner (2000), the Principals and Inclusion Survey (PIS) and an interview. The sample survey included a total of 20 principals from Primary schools in Delhi (India). The study examined the connections among the variables of demographics, professional training and education, and professional experience as they are related to principal’s attitude.
In a school, principal plays a key role and is the single most influential person in shaping a school's climate, culture, positive teacher attitude towards students and school practices (Washington III, 2006; DiPaola &Walther-Thomas, 2003; Praisner, 2000). Based on this basis, the principal's attitude is vital in reshaping of the school.
This study was undertaken to investigate the role principal in implementing inclusion in the school. It examined the attitude of principal in inclusion of Children with disabilities in school. The research was conducted by a survey that was developed by Praisner (2000), the Principals and Inclusion Survey (PIS) and an interview. The sample survey included a total of 20 principals from Primary schools in Delhi (India). The study examined the connections among the variables of demographics, professional training and education, and professional experience as they are related to principal’s attitude.
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How to Cite
Dr Jasmeet Kaur. (2024). Role Of Principal In Facilitating Inclusion Of Children With Special Needs In Primary School Setting In Delhi (India). Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(3), 2790–2794.