Stylistics, English Language Teaching and Newspaper as TLM

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Mr. Masadul Islam
Dr. Rituparna Chakraborty
Dr. Priyanka Dey


Newspapers with its plethora of articles and variegated linguistics and stylistic repertoire provide the teachers and learners with sufficient materials for the teaching-learning process in an ELT classroom. Teaching English by following numerous grammatical rules and stylistic devices enhances the quality of using the language in the rapidly developed global village where English Language is a very hard nut to crack for EFL learners. English Language in daily usage as well as in literary writings and newspaper articles follows distinctive styles and linguistic registers. For developing all round language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing- news articles provide resourceful materials in a language class for organizing a vivid discursive session. The purpose of the present study, thus, is to highlight the importance of using newspapers to improve linguistic proficiency and the style of presentation to make the learners able enough to communicate in the world outside the classroom.


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How to Cite
Mr. Masadul Islam, Dr. Rituparna Chakraborty, & Dr. Priyanka Dey. (2024). Stylistics, English Language Teaching and Newspaper as TLM. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(3), 2868–2877.
Author Biographies

Mr. Masadul Islam

Research Scholar, Department of English, Swami Vivekananda University, Barrackpore, WB  

Dr. Rituparna Chakraborty

Asst. Professor & Head, Dept. of English, Swami Vivekananda University, Barrackpore, WB  

Dr. Priyanka Dey

Asst. Professor, Dept of Linguistics, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT), WB