Incidence And Management Of Zygomaticomaxillary Complex Fractures:A Prospective Study
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Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical patterns of Zygomatic Complex(ZMC) fracture in 40 patients who were treated at Karwar Institute of medical sciences,Karwar. Material and Methods: A descriptive prospective study was carried out to determine the demographics, etiology, clinico-radiological features and treatment modalities among patients presenting with zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC) fractures at Karwar Institute of medical sciences,Karwar. Results: Fourty patients (32 male, 12 female) with confirmed zygoma fractures on CT scan were included in the study. Zygoma fractures occurred most frequently in the 21-30year old age group (37.5%).Road traffic accidents 72.5 % being principal etiological factor followed by falls 5 %,work related 2.5% & assualt 10%. The most common sign and symptoms associated with zygomatic complex fracture were subconjuntival hemorrhage, trismus, diplopia,and infraorbital paresthesia. The most commonly affected anatomical site was the fronto-zygomatic suture (90%) followed by Zygomatic buttress (80%), infra-orbital rim (72.5%) and Zygomatic arch (45%). In our study left side (28 patients) fractures are more common than right side fractures (12 patients). Most of the patients were managed operatively (38 patients)using letral brow,intra oral ,subciliary or existing laceration. Conclusion: The data regarding etiological factors of zygoma fracture basically comprises of road traffic accidents (RTA). Thus by proper preventive measures and road safety precautions the incidence and morbidity associated with zygoma fracture can be significantly reduced. Also currently there is a need to select zygomatic fractures that can be successfully managed with less invasive techniques fulfilling form function and esthetics.
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Ganesh GK, Ritesh KB, Ashishkumar Shetty, Hemant kumar, & Surabhi. (2023). Incidence And Management Of Zygomaticomaxillary Complex Fractures:A Prospective Study. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 29(2), 723–727.