Mobile Marketing Effectiveness On Gamification

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T. Krishnaveni
Dr. V. Shanthi


Gamification serves as a powerful tool to incentivize desired behaviors and drive customer engagement, leading to increased brand loyalty and advocacy. The main purpose of this study is to find the relationship between Mobile phone and gamification marketing and to analyse the customer involvement in gamification marketing through mobile phone. The various gamification implemented in the mobile app are sports, music, weather, stickers, news and health related games. Finally, it can be concluded that sports related games preferred by the customers while using mobile phone.


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How to Cite
T. Krishnaveni, & Dr. V. Shanthi. (2024). Mobile Marketing Effectiveness On Gamification. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 10080–10083.
Author Biographies

T. Krishnaveni

Ph. D Research Scholar, Department Of Commerce, Vels Institute Of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai

Dr. V. Shanthi

Assistant Professor, Department Of Commerce, Vels Institute Of Science, Technology&Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai