Sales Promotion And Customer Engagement Towards Store Brands

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Smruti Rekha Patro
Dr. V. Shanthi


A sales promotion is a marketing activity that is designed to increase sales, influence customer. It usually involves offering a discount or some other type of incentive for customers to buy your product or engage with your brand. The main aim is to analyse the influence of sales promotion activities implemented by the store brands on customer engagement and to study the impact of sales promotion activities on customer engagement. . It found that customer engagement  are influenced by reward points, coupons and cash back offer provided by the store brands.


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How to Cite
Smruti Rekha Patro, & Dr. V. Shanthi. (2024). Sales Promotion And Customer Engagement Towards Store Brands. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 10084–10087.
Author Biographies

Smruti Rekha Patro

Ph. D Research Scholar, Department Of Commerce, Vels Institute Of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai

Dr. V. Shanthi

Assistant Professor, Department Of Commerce, Vels Institute Of Science, Technology&Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai