A Study On Customer Perception Towards Culinary Tourism

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Aysha Nazar
Dr. V. Shanthi


This research is purely regarding the customers perception towards the culinary tourism in India. This paper is based on purely the data collected from the tourists who are mainly concentrated, enjoying and experiencing the culinary tourism. A complete review of literature has been collected regarding this topic. The sustainable ethical practices related to culinary tourism and the cleanliness and maintenance of food establishments are studied in detail among the selected customers from selected areas. Not only that, the factors effecting culinary tourism and cultural understanding and appreciation are paired together and was studied among the customers who experiences food tours in India. Comparison of tourist’s level interest has been examined in order to seek an experience in looking food and beverage during their travel. This study will give a better understanding in the motives of people aim to experience a new thing related with local food and beverage in particular destination. It also reveals the factors effecting the tourism, sustainable practices and ethical values as well.


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How to Cite
Aysha Nazar, & Dr. V. Shanthi. (2024). A Study On Customer Perception Towards Culinary Tourism. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 9320–9324. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.4555
Author Biographies

Aysha Nazar

Research Scholar Vels Institute Of Science, Technology And Advanced Studies

Dr. V. Shanthi

Assistant Professor Vels Institute Of Science, Technology And Advanced Studies