Digital Citizenship Abilities in Dealing with Digital Education Transformation
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This research aimed to measure the digital ability and the resilience of adolescents in maintaining personal safety in digital use. Digital capabilities include converting and transferring files stored on computers or other digital devices. Digital safety is the ability of adolescents to protect themselves and others from harm in the use of digital tools. It includes understanding their rights, personal data, privacy and reputation, promoting and protecting, health and well-being. Data survey followed by 250 adolescents among 12-19 years old of Kediri, Nganjuk, Mojokerto, Jombang and Malang. The results revealed that the digital ability was 60.5% or 152 of adolescents were able to transfer photo, music and video files stored on computers or other devices. Meanwhile, the lowest ability was 6,3% or 17 adolescents showed that they could not set up a secure computing environment. As for digital safety and resilience, the data showed that 75% or 188 adolescents understood that they must protect the privacy and security of others, and they had to respect other people on the internet. However, the amount of 3.6 % or 9 adolescents stated that they tried to threaten other people's personal information when using digital information. In conclusion, the digital ability of adolescents in East Java is still in the medium category while for digital safety and resilience it is in the high category. This is a step for us as educators to further improve the digital abilities of them so that they are ready to face education transformation.