Laser Fencing Surveillance System With Email Alert

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Mamatha K R
Thejaswini S
Rashmi N
Dr. Girish H


This work presents an antitheft alert system that integrates multiple technologies to offer a high level of detection, monitoring, and barrier protection through cost-effective methods and equipment. It implements a virtual LASER fence framework, enabling individuals to establish real-time surveillance at locations such as homes, farms, or any other area of interest. The proposed system detects objects that cross the vision line between the laser source and optical detector. When the laser beam is interrupted, alert data—including an instant notification via email and recorded footage of the intrusion—is sent to the security provider’s device using internet services like Gmail. The system is powered by a Raspberry Pi as the central processor, along with components like the Pi camera and laser modules. This solution addresses issues found in existing frameworks and ensures non-destructive consequences for the intruder.


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How to Cite
Mamatha K R, Thejaswini S, Rashmi N, & Dr. Girish H. (2024). Laser Fencing Surveillance System With Email Alert. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(2), 1539–1544.
Author Biographies

Mamatha K R

Dept. of ECE, B M S Institute of Technology and Management Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Thejaswini S

Thejaswini, Department of ETE, BMS Institute of Technology, Bangalore , Karnataka, India

Rashmi N

Dept. of ECE, B M S Institute of Technology and Management Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Dr. Girish H

Professor, department of ECE, Cambridge institute of technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, india