Understanding Attrition Problem in IT/Software Industries from Indian Education Ecosystem Perspective

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Raj Kumar


Globalization has given the young generation an opportunity to employ themselves in the organisation of their choice. It has also resolved the issue of unemployment to some extent in a developing country like India. However, it has given room for another issue – “Attrition”.
The word “Attrition” refers to scaling down of employees in an organization. It occurs because of resignation, retirement or due to death of the employee. The employees leave the organization due to many reasons like he/she may be getting high salary, higher job positions in some other Organization or he/she may want to change his profession or onsite opportunities, further studies, family relocations, long working hours, night shifts working, bad HR Policies, Expectations mismatch etc. Now a days, IT/Software industry in India is facing high staff attrition. Young talent doesn’t stick to one organization for more than 2-3 years. Companies should have to be more careful while hiring the staff. The job opportunities in Indian IT sector are more than the available employees i.e. demand is more than supply. Due to high attrition rate, cost of the organization also increases like training, development, socialization and affects productivity and other costs on the employees. It is giving direct impact on Profit and loss of company The purpose of this study is to identify the human resource and the contextual factors that catalyze employee attrition in an IT/Software organization and Managers should prioritize maintaining relationships with employees to provide employees with enriching job content and learning opportunities for their career growth and provide some Retention Management strategy.


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How to Cite
Raj Kumar. (2024). Understanding Attrition Problem in IT/Software Industries from Indian Education Ecosystem Perspective. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(3), 3087–3095. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i3.9092
Author Biography

Raj Kumar

Research Scholar, School of Management GD Goenka University, Gurgaon