Effect Of Ergonomic Intervention On Neck Pain, Discomfort And Quality Of Life Among Female Computer Users

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Swati Jaiswal
Dr. Soumita Das
Prof. Dr. R.K Sharma


Background: Musculoskeletal pain is a leading cause of disability worldwide. The relationship between neck pain and computer use, arises from prolonged sitting in fixed positions without taking breaks to stretch. Spending 4 to 5 hours every day using a computer has been recognized as a dangerous aspect of neck pain. On the job, the musculoskeletal system gets impacted by repeated movements, high temperatures, or unnatural postures that stress the body. Ergonomics therefore plays a significant role in decreasing various work-related illnesses or injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, neck and back pain, and computer vision syndrome.

Study Design: A Randomised controlled trial

Aim: To find out the effect of ergonomic intervention on neck pain, discomfort, and quality of life among female computer users.

Objective: To evaluate the effect of ergonomic intervention on neck pain, discomfort, and quality of life by using Neck disability index and WHO Quality of life scale respectively in female computer users.

Participants: 64 females with musculoskeletal disorders were selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria through random sampling method.

Method: 64 females with musculoskeletal disorders were allocated into group A and B. Group A experimental group (n=32) received ergonomic intervention while Group B control group (n=32) received conventional exercise.

Outcome Measures: Neck disability index (NDI), WHO Quality of Life scale (WHOQOL).

Result: Statistical analysis of Pre and Post-test, Neck disability index (NDI) and WHO Quality of Life Scale (WHOQOL) revealed that there is statistically significant difference seen in group A than in group B.

Conclusion:  This study presents robust evidence supporting the effectiveness of the ergonomic intervention in managing neck pain and enhancing the quality of life among participants in the experimental group. The significant reductions in the (NDI) scores and the marked improvements in World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHO-QOL) assessments highlight the intervention’s success in alleviating pain and fostering overall well-being.



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How to Cite
Swati Jaiswal, Dr. Soumita Das, & Prof. Dr. R.K Sharma. (2024). Effect Of Ergonomic Intervention On Neck Pain, Discomfort And Quality Of Life Among Female Computer Users. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(3), 2951–2958. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i3.8831
Author Biographies

Swati Jaiswal

Master of Occupational Therapy (Orthopaedics) student, Santosh College of Occupational Therapy,

Dr. Soumita Das

Assistant Professor, Santosh College of Occupational Therapy, Ghaziabad,

Prof. Dr. R.K Sharma

Dean, Paramedical and Principal, Santosh College of Occupational Therapy,