Effect Of Hamstring Strengthening With Conventional Occupational Therapy Program On Pain And Functionality In Individuals With Bilateral Knee Osteoarthritis
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Background: Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is characterized by structural changes to the articular cartilage and subchondral bone, as well as Hoffa's fat pad, synovia, ligaments, and muscles, leading to the viewpoint that OA is considered as a disease affecting the entire joint. Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is regarded as the most prevalent cause of functional limitations and escalating pain in the knee joint, which has a significant negative impact on a person's ability to lead an active life. To reduce inappropriate joint loading and enhance joint stability, it is essential to strengthen the quadriceps, hamstrings and ankle rotators.
Study design: Experimental control research Study
Aim: To assess the effect of hamstring strengthening with conventional occupational therapy program on pain and functionality in individuals with bilateral knee osteoarthritis.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of hamstring strengthening with conventional occupational therapy program on pain and functionality using Visual analogue scale (VAS) and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) in individuals with bilateral knee osteoarthritis.
Participants: A total of 60 participants according to inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the study.
Method: A total 60 participant selected between 40 - 60 years of age. Participants were randomly assigned in one of 2 groups, experimental group and control group. In experimental group hamstrings strengthening exercises with conventional occupational therapy (quadriceps strengthening + ankle rotators strengthening) was given to the participants. In control group conventional occupational therapy program (quadriceps strengthening + ankle rotators strengthening) was given to the participants. The intervention was given for 4 weeks, 5 sessions per week for 45 min. The outcomes of the intervention were assessed using VAS and WOMAC outcome measure.
Result: The control group exhibited a decrease in mean VAS scores from 4.6 to 3.03, and WOMAC scores from 49.3 to 38.47. In contrast, the experimental group demonstrated a more pronounced effect, with mean VAS scores reducing from 4.6 to 2.3 and WOMAC scores decreasing from 55.43 to 39.03. The standard errors post-intervention was lower in the experimental group than in the control group, indicating greater precision in mean estimates. Furthermore, the lower standard deviation and variance in the experimental group suggest a more consistent and reliable reduction in both pain and functional limitations compared to the control group.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the findings from the paired t-tests clearly indicated that the combination of hamstring strengthening exercises with conventional occupational therapy significantly enhances outcomes for individuals suffering from bilateral knee osteoarthritis. These results advocate for broader implementation of combined therapeutic strategies to address both pain and functionality in patients with knee osteoarthritis.